White Hot

My girl Rooney may not have taken home the gold, but she still got the coveted award of best dressed in my book. While she can do no wrong, it was nice to see her in something less expected than her usual black. Givenchy is always exciting to see on the red carpet, because it means one starlet was brave enough to wear real fashion instead of an expected over glitzed prom dress like everyone else (*cough* Marchesa *cough*).
Coming in a very very close second was Gwyneth Paltrow in the always stunningly sexy Tom Ford. While the Fashion Police may have a thing or two to say about the cape, I say, who else could wear a cape and look this good? It’s sleek as hell and it works. It just does. Later in the show she revealed the dress without the cape, still looking gorgeous of course. Tom Ford is another designer that I’m always excited to see on the red carpet, and Gwyneth has the perfect statuesque body for his sultry clothes. I could’ve done without the big ring on the same hand as the diamond cuff, though (my only criticism).
To round out my top three, I’ve chosen Jessica Chastain. Alexander McQueen is eternally my favorite designer and again, always pleased to see it on the red carpet. The detailing is exquisite and black and gold is one of my favorite color pairings. This is one dress I’d love to see up close. She knows how to bring the drama and I’m loving her.